

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Part 1 - Our journey to home

Long time no see friends!  It has been over a year since my last post and frankly its because so much has happened in my heart over that year that I was overwhelmed at the thought of having to put any of it to words.  It has been a year of pruining, refining, dying to myself, and letting my heart be molded in ways it never has been before.  I’m going to share the story of a small bit of that refining with you.  This story attempts to squeeze 18 months of journeying with the Lord into one or two scrolls of your computer/mobile devices’ screen so bear with me. I’m going to do this in 2 posts so you don’t start to go cross eyed trying to follow along :)

Lets jump right in with the back story.  For over 6 years now, I’ve longed for a home; to have a place where I could feel free to dig deep roots, plant my feet and not wonder when I’d be packing up to move and re-settle again.  Maybe its a southern thing or maybe its a female thing, but there's something to be said for a women and her home.  I love hosting people and inviting them in to share their hearts.  In my early 20’s I began to look for homes several times, but every time the Lord would tell me to wait on my husband before I purchased one.  I was glad to be obedient and wait, but the desire to have a place for “roots” was always in my heart.
When Zach & I got married in May of 2014 I thought to myself “Now its time!  Now we’ll find our home.”  We asked the Lord and both felt peace that one of our top financial priorities would be to continue to save for a home.  We re-worked our budget to be wise and prepare for the time that He would show us where we would live.  We were able to limit some of our lifestyle and save joyfully because we knew what we were working for.  Every month when we would see the little amount in our savings account grow, we got so excited!  We were working towards a dream together and it was so much fun to see the unity that it brought in our family.

I started looking at homes over the Summer of 2014 but it wasn’t the Lords timing for us, and to be honest, the process showed me that my heart wasn’t in the right place.  I became focused on our “next step” and I didn’t realize it at first, but little by little I began to put more hope and excitement in the thought of finding a home than I had put in the thought of having Jesus and no home at all.  Isn’t it funny how a desire for something other than Jesus can creep up and hide in our hearts while we don’t see it?  It could be a desire for a home, a career move, a spouse, a retirement plan, a child, even a healing, you name it.  Those things in and of themselves can be wonderful things but when we build a theology of who Jesus is for us around what He gives us, we are way WAY off.  When our view of him is based on what’s in his hand for us and not on beholding His face, we’ve totally missed it.  He is always more concerned about the condition of our hearts towards him over anything else.  A house became something my heart was hungry for, and anytime a heart is hungry for something other than Jesus, that desire needs to be submitted to the cross.  That is exactly what Father did with that desire over the next several months.  He allowed me to pursue a home so I would see that I’d tried to run ahead of him.  Then, in his kindness, he lovingly showed me that I’d allowed my perspective to get off track and He invited me back to submit myself to Him and his timing.  He helped me turn my heart back to run after Him alone rather than Him and a home.  That’s the beauty of repentance.  When we repent and change the way we think to be in line with heaven again, it always brings freedom.  It’s humbling to even admit that’s where my heart was because it sounds so selfish, but I’m hoping I’m not the only one willing to admit she’s found herself in that boat :)  Don’t leave a sister hangin!  Any time we seek after Jesus and ______ (you name it), we will miss so much of what He has for us because our eyes’ focus is being divided.  That’s why he tells us “Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt 6:33), and “When you seek me you will find me when you seek my with ALL your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13)

The Summer came to a close, and my heart was in a beautiful place with the Lord.  Zach and I prayed about how long of a renewal lease to sign on our apartment.  We felt like we should renew until April of 2015 so that’s what we did and we took a break from house hunting.  As the new year approached, we started to ask the Lord about when he would have us begin looking again.  The more we prayed, the more we felt that January 2015 was the time for us to pick it back up.  We felt like the Lord had even told us at the beginning of the year that our house was coming soon (In hind sight, its always good to remember that when the Lord says “soon”, rarely does it match our definition of “soon”).  We had different people who were unaware of our situation tell us that they felt like the Lord was bringing a house to us or that they saw pictures of us holding keys to a home that would be a center of ministry.  My heart swelled!!  It sounded like everything I’d hoped for in a home: a place to settle and establish roots; to invite people in to love them and bless them.  We want our home to be a place of ministry where people come and are filled up and encouraged.  I couldn’t wait to see what it would look like, where it would be, how many people we could have at the dinner table, etc.  We looked at several homes for the first few weeks of January.  We knew that the Lord had a home for us whether He had showed it to us yet or not, we just didn’t expect his next move…

Out of the blue at the end of January, the Lord very clearly told Zach that we were to take the money we’d saved for our house down payment and do something different with it………………(insert gasp, tears, questioning, thinking my husband had lost his mind, me telling the Lord to tell Zach he’d heard wrong, etc).  I wish I could convey the cycle of emotions I went through over a 24 hour period.  I cried, I wanted to throw up, I cried some more, I questioned if we’d even heard the Lord correctly about our home.  My response was not cute, let me tell you, but let me also tell you what that one ask from the Lord did for me.  It became a holy invitation from Him to look at my heart again and ask: if all of our natural proof that his word would be true was taken away, did I still believe Him for what He’d told us?  I informed him, as if He didn’t know,  “Lord, Zach and I co-labored for over a year for that.  We will never be able to get a house by April with out it.  We’ll never be able to get a house this YEAR with out it!”  You see, it wasn’t about money for me at all, it was about a dream being postponed again.  “A hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Prov 13:12.  It showed me a place in my heart where I wasn’t fully believing in the goodness of my Father.  I wasn’t trusting Him to provide for the word He had spoken.  In that one “ask”, He was calling me to a deeper place of standing on the truth of who He says He is, regardless of what my circumstances seem to say.  It took me a few days to get there, but in a weeks time I was able to step in obedience and write the biggest check I’ve ever written with joy in my heart and complete confidence in His goodness and faithfulness.  The Lord loves to invite us to higher levels of revelation of who He is through our life circumstances.  It’s our choice to respond to any situation by believing truth or by choosing not to, and choosing the latter will always lead to questioning and doubt.  Its so easy to agree with truth it in a quote, a sermon, a teaching, but when He asks you to live it out, it sinks roots into you that go deeper than any teaching ever could.  It becomes part of the core of who you are and who you believe Him to be.

Fast forward to April when our apartment lease expires and that is where we will pick up in the next post.  I hope you come back to hear the rest!  I know I’m biased, but it is such a sweet testimony! :)

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