

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Name Calling

This is going to be a little bit of a confession.  Let’s admit it, from time to time, we all get into “funks” with the Lord as we grow.  It feels like you lose your peace & like there’s distance between the two of you but you can’t quite put your finger on why.  Well, I found myself there 2 weeks ago & it was pissing me off.  (Yep, I said it)  I hate that feeling!  I know the intimacy with Father that He’s given me access to through Jesus.  It is precious to me.  Now, I knew He hadn’t moved at all, so by deductive reasoning, if there is a feeling of silence, I’m probably the one that’s moved J

I was lying in my bed on a Tuesday & I was just ready for this "funk" to end.  I'd tried praying through it, done everything I could think of & I didn't know what else to do.  I decided to tell the Lord about it & started off with something like this: “Abba, what is going on?  I miss you!  I’m not hearing you like normal.  Father, this is so frustrating!  I’m done with this…”  and before I could even continue on with my sassy prayer He interrupted me and said-

“Do you hear what you just called me?”

Me: __________  (When he asks you a rhetorical question, you know its gonna be good)

Him: “ You just threw out names that sound nice: “Father” & even an “Abba”.  (Nice touch)  But how about you lose the scripted attempts for intimacy & call me something that makes you a little uncomfortable - “Daddy”. 

Me:  (Speechless)

It was the most uncomfortably perfect answer.  I realized the emotional attachments I had to the names I’d used for him weren’t intimate.  They were pseudo-intimate names I’d grown familiar with using. “Father”-  a little better than “Lord”...sounds sweet at first but its like you’re addressing a dad you’ve never met.  “Abba” – making progress.  This is “Da-Da” in Hebrew, & its what Jesus called Him, but He knew that for me, there was no emotional connection to that word.  I’m not Hebrew!  I was repeating what I’d heard others use hoping that I would continue to find intimacy in it.

“Daddy” – now that was one that was uncomfortably intimate.  I don’t even call my earthly Father “daddy”.  Its usually “dad” - a little more grown up & less vulnerable sounding.  Obviously, then, “daddy” was exactly what He would want me to call him.  It was as vulnerable, childish & needy sounding as I could get.  It made complete sense.  I awkwardly said out loud “OK Daddy.  I’m not calling you anything but that until you tell me otherwise.”  And just like that, I felt His presence all over me.

To call someone by an intimate name even when you aren’t feeling close can feel awkward, but the act of doing it is what helps restore the intimacy.  It was just what I needed from Him & it brought me right back into his lap.  What do you think?  Is there a new name for you to call Him?  Ask Him, & then push through the uncomfortable feelings.  He longs for you to press into closeness with Him.  Intimacy waits on the other side of the awkwardness.  Sometimes He wants to know if we will push through for it, so find that name that makes you feel childishly uncomfortable & say it.  You might be surprised at what you find, & in this case-He'll appreciate your name calling.

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