
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eager Patience

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work with in us, to him be the glory...!" -Eph 3:20

This verse quickly became my life verse in 2010. For me, 2009 ended with some of the biggest challenges and changes that I've ever endured. It seemed like so many parts of my life had turned upside down right before the year ended. I suddenly found myself not knowing where to even place my foot next.  That is when God came and completely swept me off my feet and reminded me that I didn't have to know where to step. He would place my foot where he wanted it to be on his time.  I learned to trust that and be patient.

Leaving something that is familiar is always hard, and if anybody tells you its not, they're lying. The wonderful thing about having a relationship with Christ is that when He leads you to leave something familiar, you can guarantee he is only going to take you to something better (no matter how good the current situation seems). Often times this is a test of obedience. He asks "Will you follow me? Will you leave what you know and enter into something that you don't understand just because I ask you to?" When we truly trust him and understand how much he loves us, we can not help but obey.

That is the moment this verse will come to life. When we say "Yes Jesus, I'll do what makes me uncomfortable for you, I'll do something that feels like it hurts for you" that is when he will completely blow you away and knock your socks off with what he's been trying to do all along. When we learn to have his view of things, our entire perspective on life will change. This world is not our home, so why do we live and strive so hard for things in this life? It's because we forget that truth. We have all heard it and know it in our heads, but we don't exemplify it in our daily lives. It is not our core. When we make it our core, we cannot help but be changed and our hearts desire will not be to satisfy ourselves, but to be used by Christ in any and every way possible. When we realize that our purpose in life is to glorify him regardless of our situation, we will be transformed.

He has proven this to me so clearly this year. He moved me from a situation of comfort to one of uncertainty, but in that uncertainty there is the most immense peace I have ever experienced. I can't see the big picture of what he is trying to do yet. He isn't ready to reveal it to me, but I have never felt so clearly that I am exactly where he wants me to be and that something HUGE is just around the corner. He is about to "do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" and I am waiting.  Its hard to wait when you're so excited about what he is doing, but we can't rush his plan. So I wait with an eager patience. I wait knowing that his plan is perfect and mine was not. I wait with confidence in knowing I am right where he has placed me. I wait because he has ransomed my heart and shown me that his plan is truly the only one that will heal and satisfy it.


  1. Girl...
    That is exactly right! Your entire blog speaks right to my heart. In a very different kind of way...we are in the same shoes. I have so much that will happen this year...reaching my fitness goals, graduating, becoming licensed, finding a new career, and possibly starting a family. It's easy to get caught up in our plans for ourselves; however, we are promised to experience the fullness of joy when we are in God's will...not when our plans have been accomplished. I tell ya...I was riding in the car the other day and was sining some song (can't remember which one). It was then that I said to myself...Lord Jesus, whatever it is that you have for my life...bring it. I want to experience you and glorifying you through every fiber of my being. No more being scared of being in your will. God, even if that requires death...I will be with my creator in a split second and not ever look back and think of this earth that I am often attached to. I'm telling you...that time I had in the car with God is changing my life. Am I perfect....heck no, am I pumped about pursuing love relationship with my SAVIOR? More than you know! Maddie...I just wrote a dang blog about your blog :) Anyways...know that Christ brought me into your life a long time ago. I commit to encouraging you, keeping you accountable, and praying for God's voice to be ever so present to you! Love you hott momma!
    p.s. I did not proofread a bit of this...hope it makes sense!

  2. Preach sister! Thank you so much! I love you girl and I'm so thankful for your friendship! I'm so proud of your crazy dedication and determination with the things you set your mind to! You motivate me woman! Please know that I'm praying for you and I'm committed to encouraging and holding you accountable too! You'll be getting messages from me every week for the next 11 weeks until I see a mini skirt and a halter top! HA! Bring it!

  3. Wait a minute...Madison...are you also trying to achieve a mini skirt and halter goal in 11 weeks?!?! Girl...that makes 2 hott mommas! Wait a better work it already have that body!!!!

  4. Girl I don't know if the world can handle two of us in those outfits :) Woop!
