
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Allow me to re-introduce myself

My name isn't HOV, its still Madison but after a 21 month sabbatical I thought a re-introduction might be necessary. Once upon a time, I was the poster child for a "Type-A Realist" - head out of the clouds, trying to out-plan life, always prepared, never taken by was exhausting. I finally came to a turning point where Father showed me how good He wanted to be if I would step out of the way. I'd have too many stories to share if I were to tell you all the ways He's been transforming my life into one that is more full of Him and His Kingdom, but let me say that most of the transformation hasn't been in my circumstances, it's been in my heart. After some dying to myself & pitching a few fits along the way- my joy runs deeper, my peace is more abiding, I'm stepping more in line with my calling & all of this is because my relationship with Father has gone to levels I didn't know I could access.

Its been a significant 2 years of pulling away fears & replacing them with faith. Father took my orphan heart who felt she always had to work to provide for & protect herself, & he replaced it with the heart of a daughter (probably not always the most tame one). He's given me a life that is more than anything I could ever have planned for myself. Its full of joy, love, lessons, adventure, & purpose that is perfectly in line with who he has created me to be. I hope this is a place that you will visit often, feel His love, find encouragement to do the extraordinary & live your fairy tale. I'm looking forward to sharing mine with you!